Dr. Abul Hasan M Sadeq

Professor Emeritus & Vice Chancellor,
Asian University of Bangladesh


1. "Personnel Development for Islamic Banking : A Case for Dual Quality", presented at an International Seminar on Islamic Banking held in Dhaka on 11-12 March, 1985.

2. "Bases and Fundamentals of Co-operation and Co-ordination Among Islamic Financial Institutions." Paper presented at the First General Conference of Islamic Banks, Istanbul, 18-21 Oct, 1986.

3. "Muslim and Development : Present State and Future Potentials." Paper presented at the Third International Islamic Geographical Conference Jointly organised by Geographic Association of Malaysia and Association of Muslim Social Scientists of the U.S.A, National University of Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia, Aug. 28- Sept. 2, 1989.

4. "Determination of Wages and Income Distribution in Islam". Paper presented at the National Seminar on Income and Wealth Distribution in Islam, Kuala Lumpur, 19-20 Dec, 1989.

5. "Usulul Fiqh and Economic Reasoning". Paper presented at the Workshop on Teaching Islamic Economics organised by Kulliyyah of Economics and Management, International Islamic University, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia, July, 1990.

6. "Economic Development in the Islamic Ummah : A Case for Co-operation". Paper presented at the International Conference on Islam and Development in Southeast Asia jointly organised by Academy of Malay Studies, University of Malaya and Information and Resource Centre, Singapore, 8-9 Sept. 1990.

7. "Resource Mobilisation and Investment in an Islamic Framework". Paper presented at the Third Islamic Economics Seminar jointly organised by IIIT and the Association of Muslim Social Scientists, U.S.A, 21-23 Dec, 1990.

8. "Prospect for an Islamic Common Market and South-South Co-operation". Paper presented at the Conference on Future Directions for Muslim Co-operation, Kuala Lumpur, 2-4 May, 1991.

9. "Economic Integration Among Muslim Countries: The Need for an Islamic Common Market". Paper presented at the International Seminar on Islamic Common Market organised by Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt, 4-6 May, 1991.

10. "Musharakah al-Lugah al-Bangaliyyah Fi al-Hadarah al-Islamiyyah". In Musharakah al-Shu'ub al-Islamiyyah fi Bina al-Hadarah al-Islamiyyah. Amman : 1993, pp. 314-325. 11. "Entrepreneurship Development and Training : An Islamic Perspective". Paper presented at the International Conference on Internalising Entrepreneurship Education and Training, Vienna, Austria, 5-7 July, 1993.

12. "Islamization of Economics: Some Reflections". Paper presented at the International Islamic University Malaysia, 7 Oct. 1993.

13. "Eradication of Poverty from an Islamic Perspective". Paper presented at the Conference on Globalism and the Muslim Ummah, jointly organised by the Ummi Foundation and International Islamic University Malaysia, 16-17 Oct. 1993.

14. "Islamic Banking and Economic Development". Paper presented at the International Conference on Islamic Banking, Sydney, Australia, 9-10 Nov. 1993.

15. "Some Reflections on the Methodology of Islamizing Economics". Paper presented at the Seminar on Islamization of Economics, jointly organised by Social Science Institute, Bangladesh, and BIIT (IIIT, Bangladesh Office) held in Dhaka on 18 Dec, 1993.

16. "Intra-Islamic Economic Integration : Regionalism to Ummatic Globalism". Paper presented at the International Seminar on Islamic Common Market held in Dhaka, 18-20 Dec. 1993.

17. Speech at the Conference on Masjid Al-Aqsa, held at Amman, Jordan on April 18, 1994.

18. Speech at the Seminar on Advanced Management System, held at INTAN, Kuala Lumpur on June 16-17, 1994.

19. Speech at the Seminar at the University of Western Sydney, Australia, and was also invited to help the University of New England, Australia to design a course on Islamic Economics for their Diploma in "Understanding Muslim Societies in Asia" on July 3-16, 1994.

20. "Islamic Resurgence: Case Study of South Asia". Paper presented at the Seminar on Leadership Dynamism Towards 21st Century, held at the International Islamic University Malaysia on 30-31 July 1994.

21. "Islamization of Economics : Some Methodological Issues". Paper presented at the 23rd Annual Conference of AMSS (Association of Muslim Social Scientist) held in SUNY Birghamton, New York, on 28-30 Oct. 1994.

22. Speech at the Conference on Asian Parliamentaries on Social Development and Global Human Security, held in Putra World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur on 8-10 Nov. 1994.

23. "The Political Economy of Co-operation Among Muslim Countries : A Gradual Transformation Towards Ummatic Integration". Paper presented at the International Workshop on Islamic Political Economy in Universiti Sains Malaysia on 12-14 Dec. 1994.

24. "Islamic Institution and Economic Development : A Case of BIMB and the Relevance of the Institution for ASEAN". Paper presented at the ASEAN Workshop on Development in the Islamic Way held in International Islamic University, Malaysia on 19-20 Dec. 1994.

25. "Poverty Alleviation from an Islamic Perspective". Paper presented at the Seminar on Poverty Alleviation, held in Social Science Institute, Bangladesh on 22 June, 1995.

26. "Islamic Banking and Development". Paper presented at the Seminar on Islamic Banking System : Its Capital Formation, held in Islamic Economics Research Bureau, Bangladesh on 25 June 1995.

27. "Economic Scenario of Muslim Countries in the Contemporary World : Efforts Towards Co-operation and Future Directions". Paper presented at the Tenth Conference of the Royal Academy for Islamic Civilisation Research, held in Amman, Jordan on 5-7 July 1995.

28. "Ethico-Economic Institution of Zakah : An Instrument of Self-Reliance & Sustainable Grass-Root Development". Paper presented at the 4th Inter-Conference on Ethico-Economics : Values, Self-Reliance & Sustainability held in Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada on 5-7 Oct. 1995.

29. "Poverty Eradication : An Islamic Perspective". Paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Socio-Economics in Geneva, Switzerland on 12-14 July 1996.

30. “Media and Children : A Muslim Perspective”. Paper presented at the 11th International Conference of the Royal Academy for Islamic Civilisation Research in Jordan from 22nd to 25th July 1997.

31. Discussion paper on “Financing the Development of Awqaf Properties” by Dr. Monzer Kahf, presented at the International Seminar on Awqaf and Economic Develoipment, jointly organised by IRTI, Islamic Development Bank (Jeddah), and International Islamic University Malaysia, on 2-4 March, 1998.

32. Discussion paper on “Revival of the Sunnah of Waqf in Muslim Countries and Communities: Justification and Conditions of Success” by Dr. Mohammed Boudjelal, presented at the International Seminar on Awqaf and Economic Develoipment, jointly organised by IRTI, Islamic Development Bank (Jeddah), and International Islamic University Malaysia, on 2-4 March, 1998.

33. “Socio-economic Development Role of Waqf in the 21st Century and Restructuring of Administration”, paper presented at the International Conference on Islamic Economics in the 21st Century held on 9-12 August 1999 at Kuala Lumpur, jointly organised by International Islamic University Malaysia and IRTI, Islamic Development Bank, Jeddah.

34. Discussion paper on “Islamic Banking in Bangladesh: Expectations and Realities”, by M A Hamid, presented at the International Conference on Islamic Economics in the 21st Century held on 9-12 August 1999 at Kuala Lumpur, jointly organised by International Islamic University Malaysia and IRTI, Islamic Development Bank, Jeddah.

35. “Media and Challenges Facing the Muslim Children”, 28th Annual Convention of AMSS, held in Virginia, Washington on 29-31 October 1999.

36. “Microfinancial Services and Poverty Alleviation in Bangladesh: A Comparative Analysis of Secular and Islamic NGOs: A Review Paper, presented at the Fourth International Conference on Islamic Economics, held in Loughborough University, UK, on 13-15 August, 2000.

37. “Quality Assurance In Distance Education In Bangladesh: Its Status, Problems And Strategic Plans”, paper presented at International Seminar on Quality Assurance in Higher Education, Jointly Organized by University Grants Commission of Bangladesh and Commonwealth of Learning, Vancouver, Canada, in March 2002.

38. Discussion paper on “The Role of Islamic Financial Institutions in Sustainable Development” by Abul Hasan and Abdelkader Chachi, presented at the 5th International Conference on Islamic Economics held on 7-10 October 2003 in Bahrain, jointly organised by IRTI, Islamic Development Bank, Jeddah, and International Association of Islamic Economics, London.

39. “Cooperation and Collaboration For Open and Distance Education: The Case Of Bangladesh”, paper presented at the 17th Annual Conference Of The Association Of Asian Open Universities, held on 12-14 November 2003, in Bangkok, Thailand.

40. “Islamic Governance: Shura and Its Implications”, paper presented at the International Conference organised by Aal Al-Bayt Foundation for Islamic Thought of Jordan, held on 21-23 August 2004, in Amman, Jordan.

41. “Human Rights in Islam”, presented at the International Islamic Conference organized jointly by the Government of Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and Al al-Bayt Foundation of Islamic Thought, Amman, on 4-6 July 2005.

42. “Microfinance, Poverty Alleviation and Economic Development: Theory and Practice”, paper presented at the International Conference on A Universal Paradigm of Socio-Scientific Reasoning, organised by Asian University of Bangladesh on 17-18 December, 2005.

43. “Public Expenditure in Islam”, Encyclopaedia of Islamic Economics, London, 2005.

[Note : Some Seminar papers have been published in different forms and hence are not listed here].


Dr. Sadeq is the Vice Chancellor of Asian University of Bangladesh; wile The Hon'ble President of Bangladesh is its Chancellor.Prior to this, Professor Sadeq was Chairman of the Department of Finance, University of Dhaka, and Dean of International Islamic University Malaysia.

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